Alina Israeli (Ph.D. Yale University) <> is Associate Professor of Russian and Chair of the Department of Language and Foreign Studies at American University in Washington, D.C. Her publications include Semantics and Pragmatics of Russian 'Reflexive' Verbs (Munich: Otto Sagner Verlag, 1997), "Russian syntactic reduplication: a cooperative principle device in dialogues." Journal of Pragmatics 27, 1997, "Speaker's attitude, goals, and aspectual choices in wh- questions in Russian." Le Langage et l'Homme XXXIII (1) 1998, "'Same' and 'Different' in Russian." Journal of Slavic Linguistics 7 (2), 1999. Her major interests are semantics, pragmatics, and syntax.
Glossos Contributions
Guest Editor for Issue 3
Guest Editor for Issue 4
"An imperative form in non-imperative constructions in Russian" in Issue 1