Students who wish to pursue advanced studies of Slavic and Eurasian languages, linguistics, culture, and literatures may enter a Master of Arts degree program in the Department of Slavic & Eurasian Studies. A wide range of graduate courses and seminars are offered to Duke students within the Department, and, through a cooperative program with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, students may also take courses in the UNC Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
In addition to graduate students who pursue advanced degrees in the Slavic & Eurasian Studies Department, there are also many graduate students who pursue graduate degrees in other University departments and schools who concentrate their studies on Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Traditionally, graduate students concentrating their studies on this region have been well represented in the Departments of History, Economics, and Political Science. In recent years, due to new opportunities for foreign investment in this region, students in the Duke Law School, the Fuqua School of Business, and the Nicholas School of the Environment have also shown great interest in studying this region.
The Graduate Certificates in Slavic and Eurasian studies and Russian legal studies that are offered by CSEEES may be of particular interest to all graduate students who wish to pursue interdisciplinary studies of Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet Union.