- Azerbaijani Language Fonts
- Introductions
- Megasites
- Professional Organizations, Online Journals and Library Consortia
- Universities, Programs and Centers of Study
- Language Materials
- Online Dictionaries
- Online Media and News
- History, Culture, Religion
- Government and Politics
- Country Studies
- Country Analyses
- Travel Guides
Azerbaijani Language Fonts
Yahoo! Search - Free Language Sites Because font sites come and go on the Internet, the best service SEELRC can provide its users is this Yahoo! Search "find it yourself" link.
Azerbaijani National Anthem & Flag
Map of Azerbaijan and Quick Facts; More Maps
Search Engine Colossus - Azerbaijan Links to primary Azerbaijani language search engines and gateways.
Azerbaijan International Advertises itself as the "World's Largest Website on Azerbaijan."
Virtual Azerbaijan In-country link for English language resources.
Encyclopedia AzNet In Azerbaijani, site provides interactive map of cities and regions, and links to media. The Google search engine has been preset for you to search the Internet using the Azerbaijani language. Also ideal for target language lexical and contextual searches and other language-oriented uses. Requires Azerbaijani fonts. (Also included in Language Materials links below.)
Professional Organizations, Online Journals and Library Consortia
International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) IREX is the premier US nonprofit organization specializing in higher education, independent media, Internet development, and civil society programs in the United States, Europe, Eurasia, the Near East, and Asia.
Universities, Programs and Centers of Study
Azerbaijani Colleges and Universities Links to major institutions of higher learning.
Language Materials
Azerbaijani Language- Wikipedia General article with examples and external links.
Azerbaijani Writing System Basic introduction to Azerbaijani alphabet with collections of links to audio files and language related websites.
I Love Languages.com - Azerbaijani An extensive collection of links to language and cultural websites.
LanguagesOnTheWeb.com - Azerbaijani Large list of links to Azerbaijani language and country/culture sites. Not all functional and not all freeshare.
Azeri Language and Literature A solid resources page for language and literature in both the original and English.
NATO Online Library - Azerbaijani Language Module Publication examining NATO cooperation with Partner countries through the Partnership for Peace and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council.
Online Dictionaries
YourDictionary.com - Azeri Large dictionary portal offers general and specialized online dictionaries; sites for Azeri include:
English - Azeri Dictionary Online dictionary with solid basic vocabulary and more!
Online Media and News
OnlineNewspapers.com - Azerbaijan Good selection of national newspapers; some in English.
Yahoo! News - Azerbaijan Latest news in English from a variety of news sources.
Voice of America - Azerbaijani Voice of America news broadcasting in target language.
BBC - Azeri.com BBC news broadcasts in Azeri.
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - Azeri News Service Latest news reports in English and Azeri.
RadioStationWorld - Azebaijan About: "RadioStationWorld is an informational directory dealing with radio and television broadcasters worldwide." Site allows you to bookmark favorite radio stations for listening.
History, Culture, Religion
WWW Virtual Library - Central Asia and Azerbaijan Large index to sites related to Central Asia and Azerbaijan.
Wikipedia - History of Azerbaijan Excellent encyclopedia article with addition links to important periods and personalities.
Wikipedia - Azerbaijani Culture Article provides overview of culture with links to Islam and Music.
Government and Politics
Governments on the WWW - Azerbaijan Includes links to National Institutions and Government sites including President and most Ministries; Embassies in foreign countries, Political Parties, etc.
Country Studies
Wikipedia - Azerbaijan Excellent online encyclopedia article covering geography, history, military, culture, etc. with links to Internet resources
Azerbaijan - A Country Study Exceptionally detailed presentation from the Library of Congress. Includes sections on: Geography, Society, Economy, Government and Politics, Very Detailed History and Historical Development, Contemporary Trends, etc.
BBC News Country Profiles - Azerbaijan Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries; also biographic sketches of leaders, essay on media, and historic timelines. They also include audio and video clips from the BBC archives.
Country Analyses
U.S. Department of State Background Notes - Azerbaijan Background Notes are updated/revised as they are received from regional bureaus and are added to the database of the Department of State web site. Categories include: Geography, People, History, Government, Political Conditions, Economy, Defense, Foreign Relations, U.S. Relations, and Travel/Business.
International Monetary Fund - Azerbaijan Latest developments in Peace and Security, Economic Development, Humanitarian Aid/Refugees, Environment/Shelter, Human Rights, Women/Children/Population, Health/Poverty/Food Security, Culture/Education.
The World Trade Organization - Azerbaijan (Observer) "The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world?s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business."
Energy Information Administration Country Analysis Briefs - Caucasus Region: Azerbaijan "The Energy Information Administration (EIA), created by Congress in 1977, the a statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Energy. We provide policy-independent data, forecasts, and analysis to promote sound policy making efficient markets and public understanding regarding energy and its interaction with the economy and environment."
World Health Organization - Azerbaijan About WHO" "The World Health Organization, the United Nations specialized agency for health, was established on 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
Human Rights Watch - Azerbaijan Human Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the world.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to NATO The NATO homepage is an excellent resource for information on member and affiliate nations and their policies and activities in the world at large.
Travel Guides
Lonely Planet Destinations - Azerbaijan The people at the offbeat Lonely Planet website are not your typical travel guides -- they're very bright and know what they're talking about. Their goal is not to "sell the country" to travelers. Instead, they tell it how it is. Typical headings include: "Warnings" (in case travel is not recommended - the "why's"); Facts for the Traveler, When to Go, Events, Money and Costs, Attractions, Off the Beaten Track, Activities, History, Culture, Environment, Getting There and Away, Getting Around, and Further Reading and Related Weblinks.
Wikitravel - Azerbaijan Wikitravel - by the people, for the people. Wikitravel is a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date, and reliable world-wide travel guide. Still coming into being with some countries.
Yahoo Travel Guide - Azerbaijan Includes links to history, basics, transportation, dining, shopping and climate.