The readings here comprise a sample of contemporary and classic Russian short-form literature. Each reading is accompanied by comprehensive annotations to the text and exercises which challenge the user's textual, semantic, and grammatical comprehension of the materials.
How To Use
These materials were developed to be used both in a classroom setting or for self-study. Due to copyright, we cannot host the source texts here, however, we do provide users with a link -- the title of the work -- to the text on the open internet. In some cases, users will need to scroll down those pages to find the full text. Please note that every attempt will be made to ensure that links are valid. However, users may find it necessary to independently search for the author's name and title of the work in some cases.
The "Text annotations and study questions" for each work are accompanied by an answer key, both in .pdf format. Users may find it useful to have the original text, annotations, and answer key open simultaneously. This can be accomplished by holding down the "ctrl" key ("command" key on Macintosh) while clicking the link.
Быков / Bykov
- Дмитрий Быков - "Отпуск"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Гаврилов / Gavrilov
- Анатаолий Гаврилов - "Альбом"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Добычин / Dobychin
- Леонид Добычин - "Отец"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Драгунский / Dragunskiy
- Денис Драгунский - "Разговор с товарищем Лениным"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Жолковский / Zholkovskiy
- Александр Жолковский - "Котлеты моей мамы"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Корионов / Korionov
- Олег Корионов - "Подарок"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Куприн / Kuprin
- Александр Куприн - "Куст сирени"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Набоков / Nabokov
- Владимир Набоков - "Гроза"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Пелевин / Pelevin
- Виктор Пелевин - "Колдун Игнат и люди"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Токарева / Tokareva
- Виктория Токарева - "Гладкое личико"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Улицкая / Ulitskaya
- Людмила Улицкая - "Старший сын"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Цыпкин / Tsypkin
- Александр Цыпкин - "Вербовка"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Чехов / Chekhov
- Антон Чехов - "Студент"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key
Яковлев / Yakovlev
- Юрий Яковлев - "Скрипка"
- Text annotations and study questions - Key