Leonard H. Babby (Ph.D. Harvard University, 1970) <babbylh@phoenix.princeton.edu> is Professor of Slavic Languages and Linguistics at Princeton University and is a member and former director of the Princeton Program in Linguistics. His main research area is the morphosyntax of Russian and other languages and he is the author of A Transformational Grammar of Russian Adjectives (Mouton, 1975), Existential Sentences and Negation in Russian (Karoma, 1980), and The Syntax of Argument Structure (Cambridge University Press, 2009). The latter book proposes a new, argument-structure based theory of morphosyntax. His most recent article, An Argument-Structure Based Analysis of Polysynthetic Morphosyntax, which is based on data from Mohawk, Chichewa, Breton, Turkish, and Russian, demonstrates that the theory proposed in his 2009 book can, without revision, account for the morphosyntactic properties of Mohawk, a canonical polysynthetic language. He is currently working on a book dealing with impersonal sentences.