Steven Clancy

Steven Clancy (Ph.D. 2000, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) <> is Senior Lecturer in Russian, Slavic, and 2nd-Language Acquisition in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago. He is also the Academic Director of the University of Chicago Center for the Study of Languages. His publications and works in progress include the forthcoming The Chain of BEING and HAVING in Slavic and "The ascent of guy" as well as The Case Book for Russian (2002), winner of the 2005 AATSEEL book award for best book in language pedagogy, The Case Book for Czech (In press 2006), and The Case Book for Polish (Forthcoming), all with Laura Janda. His research interests include cognitive linguistics, case semantics and verbal semantics, grammaticalization, and historical linguistics.

Glossos Contributions

Semantic Maps for BE and HAVE in Slavic in Issue 1

The Conceptual Nexus of BE and HAVE. A network of BE, HAVE, and their semantic neighbors in Issue 5

The Topology of Slavic Case: Semantic Maps and Multidimensional Scaling in Issue 7