Issue 3: Spring 2002
This issue is a collection of selected articles developed from papers delivered at the international meeting of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association October 12-13, 2001 at The University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Barbara Bacz On the image-schema proposals for the preposition po in Polish
David S. Danaher The semantics of pity and zhalost' in a literary context
Laura Janda Concepts of case and time in Slavic
Alexander V. Kravchenko The cognitive roots of gender in Russian
Svetlana McCoy Semantic and discourse properties of colloquial Russian construction of the form "X-to X, a..."
Elena V. Petrukhina Когнитивные аспекты изучения производного слова в славянских языках
George Rubinstein О метафорическом представлении отрезков времени в русском языке