Galina Vishnevskaya

Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya

Galina Pavlovna Vishnevskaya, icon of the stage

The exercises here comprise a study guide to accompany the linked video. Each set of questions corresponds to a section of the video and is accompanied by an answer key. Users are recommended to open the video in a browser window and view the comprehension questions in a separate window. 

Galina Vishnevskaya interview

Vishnevskaya interview fragment 1 ( 0:40 – 7:47)

Comprehension questions       Key

Vishnevskaya interview fragment 2 (7:50 – 9:05)

Comprehension questions       Key

Vishnevskaya interview fragment 3 ( 9:06 – 12:00)

Comprehension questions       Key

Vishnevskaya interview fragment 4 ( 12.00 – 14.05)

Comprehension questions       Key

Vishnevskaya interview fragment 5 ( 17.45 – 20.15 )

Comprehension questions       Key

Vishnevskaya interview fragment 6 ( 21.34 – 23.45)

Comprehension questions       Key